User File #28288045721595797

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#28288045721595797 - Kingsley's Adventure Ram watch

Kingsleys Adventure.wch
Uploaded 1/17/2016 10:36 PM by oxysoft (see all 1)
Contains stuff like hp, lives, velocities, angles, directions, etc.
Has some extra random stuff (the "spider" values you can ignore and remove them, I was trying to find some interesting structures containing entities in the map)
Domain MainRAM
SystemID PSX
0E851A	w	s	0	MainRAM	Health
0E85B0	w	s	0	MainRAM	Lives
000000	S	_	0		
0E8508	b	u	0	MainRAM	State
0E854C	w	s	0	MainRAM	Direction
1FBB60	w	s	0	MainRAM	Angle (R)
0E8514	w	s	0	MainRAM	Angle
000000	S	_	0		
0E850E	w	s	0	MainRAM	XYZ-speed
0E8510	w	s	0	MainRAM	Y-speed
0E850C	w	s	0	MainRAM	XZ-speed
0E8540	d	s	0	MainRAM	X
0E8544	d	s	0	MainRAM	Z
0E8548	d	s	0	MainRAM	Y
000000	S	_	0		
0E84A0	b	u	0	MainRAM	Text skip flag
0E7676	b	u	0	MainRAM	Inputs disabled
000000	S	_	0		
1FD36C	d	s	0	MainRAM	Spider Z
1FD370	d	s	0	MainRAM	Spider Y
1FD368	d	s	0	MainRAM	Spider X
1FD374	w	s	0	MainRAM	Spider Angle